Torah Psychology School of Coaching & Counseling
Marriage Resources
Week 1
Video 1: Its not about the nail
Video 2: Talking Tips
Video 3: Prepare Enrich
Video 4: Prepare Enrich Wish-list
Video 5: Imago Session
Homework Exercises:
Daily Temperature Reading
Talking Tips
Emptying the Emotional Jug
(Can be found on Presentation)
Week 2
Week 3
Video 1: How to talk so kids will listen
Video 2: Couple's Dialogue Demo
Practice Active Listening with your spouse
Week 4
Live Couple Demo
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
There is no new presentation this week. We finished the presentation from week 6.
Week 8
Week 9
Video 1: Sue Johnson - Sex and the Bonds of Love
Video 2: Sue Johnson - The New Frontier of Sex & Intimacy
Week 10
Video 1: Why I stopped watching porn | Ran Gavrieli
Video 2: Women, Antidepressants and Sexual Dysfunction
Video 3: What is Vaginismus, what causes it and how to treat it?
Sexual Abuse Questionnaire
Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)
Male erectile dysfunction scale
Male erectile dysfunction scoring
Week 11
Week 12
Video 1: Patrick Carnes SA Epidemic
Video 2: What is Sex Addiction?
Video 3: The Life of a Sex Addict
Video 4: Partick Carnes: Causes of SA
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15